Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Road Map to the Stars

Things have picked up around here, especially surrounding the "Seven Lions Trilogy" postings. A large amount of interest has been generated with where it is going.

Well, based on my stats, there are a lot of people that are new to my stuff, so I would like to just give the blog a bump and show a few things off.

Like a road map:
Not THAT one!

 For starters, for those interested:

The Introduction to the concept behind the "Seven Lions Trilogy" can be found - HERE

The outline of the "Trilogy's" mythology and the mix of the music can be found - HERE

My outrageously funny and somewhat sadistic approach to coulrophobia can be found - HERE

From there, I think the rest of it can be navigated by using the tabs at the top of the page.

Yeah, THAT one.

I will be posting this weekend, but it will not be a Seven Lions posting. Sorry, I know that there is a big demand, but I don’t want to just let you guys “binge” on the one topic and then split! Nope, we encourage a variety of issues and topics to be discussed around here.

As usual, you can find the FB “like and share” button on the right side bar, and there are a couple of share buttons for different social media at the end of this post. Just find the correct logo and click away.

I would appreciate it so very much.

What do you guys think about a giveway?

A contest to be a guest blogger on here?

Let me know what you think. If you have some ideas, just message me on google+ or FB.

(Obligatory outdated meme)

Have a good one.